This is the way we do the whitening at Omega Clinic:
First, the dentist will thoroughly examine the patient, in order to detect any dental problem: cavities, fissures or any defective treatments. A dental cleaning is always done before the whitening procedure.
The following step is the taking impressions of the teeth which will be used to reproduce them in a plaster cast.

After this model a couple of fine plastic trays are made, which must perfectly fit the teeth to be whitened. The correct manufacturing of the trays is essential for a good result.

Once the trays ready, we proceed to do the whitening session at the clinic. This is the phase controlled by the dentist, in which the trays filled with a concentrated whitening gel is applied after the gums are carefully protected. This is important if one is to avoid damaging of the soft tissues and the consequent pain. The application lasts about 30 minutes and a whitening effect is obvious immediately after.
A whitening kit containing a less concentrated gel is handed out to the patient afterwards, to be applied at home, together with the corresponding written instructions.
A few days of treatment (a couple of hours daily while reading a magazine, watching TV or sleeping) will obtain spectacular results. And with no dental sensitivity afterwards.

Our technique uses more time but obtains excellent results, which are more persistent and without side effects. The patient can keep the trays and repeat the treatment later at a lower cost. In this way this technique assures long-term persistence of the whitening effect. Obviously, the result is more or less stable depending upon the tooth staining type of substances one consumes: coffee, tee or tobacco.
