Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Determined to change

For years, Fernando was postponing going to the dentist. As we the dentists aren’t precisely everybody’s favorite, taking this step can be difficult for some patients. His mouth was, though, ever worse, with lots of cavities, infections, pain, bad breath, bleeding gums, and so on. So one day he decided he couldn’t stand it any more and came for the first visit.

His treatment required several appointments, but was worth wile. Every day he was more and more pleased with himself. He told us that after having his gums treated, they stopped bleeding, and the bad breath was gone. His treatment included the addressing all the cavities, doing the necessary root canal treatments and reconstructions, and placing fixed crowns in order to replace the absent teeth and improving his looks. Step by step we managed to give him something he never had but always wanted: a nice natural looking smile, and a healthy mouth. Now he is always keen to smile. He’s following our advises about personal care and even his shaving improved! He just regrets not coming before.